Tutorial GoLang

Functions and Pointers

Functions GO, does not have keywords like private, public, protected and final etc and GO does not have concept of inheritance so it is very important to understand how functions can be used to do things that we ideally do when we use any other language. Keyword func, is used for defining function. We have… Continue reading Functions and Pointers

Tutorial GoLang

Control Flows

The best part of programming in GO is that there are not multiple ways of doing standard things and that makes reading code and understanding it easier. But at the same time as we saw in previous post GO follows different conventions which needs to be understood. for Loop The for loop construct, is the… Continue reading Control Flows

Tutorial GoLang

Basics: Types, Variables and Constants

In today’s post we will learn basics of GO language like supported Types, how to declare and initialize variables and constants. Just like any other language, GO has its own way of declaring and initializing variables and constants. Data Types Boolean: Used for true and false. Use bool to declare variable of type Boolean. Numeric:… Continue reading Basics: Types, Variables and Constants


Change Preference Summary

In Today's post we are going to look at How to Change Summary of Edit Text Preference. But before moving ahead, if you want to know more about Preferences click here. First create a preference screen with only one preference EditTextPreference as show below in xml. Let us call this xml as setttings.xml As shown… Continue reading Change Preference Summary


Introduction to Android SQLite Database

Android provide various options for data persistence like Preferences, File and Database etc. This post we will introduce you to one of the option i.e. Android SQLite Database. Let us take an example of Student database. i.e. student_database (DATABASE_NAME). We will create table tb_student (DATABASE_TABLE), with 3 columns i.e. _id (KEY_ROWID), name (KEY_NAME) and grade… Continue reading Introduction to Android SQLite Database


Android Menus

Menus are one of the most important parts of any application and when it comes to mobile Menus become more important considering the fact that area available is restricted. Through this blog we will  look at the following various type of Android Menus available with example for each of them: Options Menu Context Menu Submenu… Continue reading Android Menus